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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blown Away

Well here I am reading a blog I have been following, and all of a sudden my name and my blog pops up. I was shocked and honored at the same time. This is all a little strange to me. For all of my life my world centered around what is right in front of my face. If I could not see it, feel it, smell it, hear it, or taste it, then in my world it did not exist. I have always worked with my hands, and at the end of the day I had something to look at, and that is what I got paid for. Well now because of the economy I have opened up a new door. I can now see that even though you cant see the people creating these blogs and websites, they are there and very much real. Many of these people are just like yourself, going through the same situations in life that you are. There is a mind blowing world out there that I had no idea of the extent of. The blog I was reading was by a person I only know as MJL. His blog is Confessions of a Poor, Insane, Future Millionaire. His blog is very similar to what I was trying to do. Take a look, and if nothing else, he has posted a short video of a Michael Jordan commercial I think everyone could benefit from. I think I am going to save it on my computer to show my kids when they get older. In fact, I think I will put it on my desk top so I see it every day!

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