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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Starting from $0.00 update

Paid Survey Sites:

Now that I have a few different things going on, I hope I can give you more information on a daily basis. I have had the opportunity to do some interesting surveys in the past few weeks, but for the most part I have to sit down with a 16oz. can of MONSTER energy to even get through one of them. I am trying everything this past month, but the sites like Cash-Crate, Treasure Trooper, Panda, Surf Bounty, could take all your time doing just one of them. In March I think I am going to concentrate on 3 of 4 of those" paid offers" sites to see if they produce more than regular paid survey sites. For the next few days I am going to review each site I belong to, and give a total earnings for February.

The Blog

I also have to look at the blog itself as a money making tool. I guess you have to look at it like a online store. The idea is to get as many people to come into your store as possible. Like any store out there, if the isles are bare, the employees are rude, or if the management is untrustworthy, you probably will not shop there ever again. The advertisements on the site are a product I am basically selling. I have signed up with the three traffic exchange programs you see in the blog footer. It is basically, you scratch my back I'll scratch yours. You spend time looking at other people's websites, and in turn you get people to come to yours. These are free to join, but you have to work to get anything. You can also pay for traffic, but I have not done that yet. It takes about 45min. to an hour, and in return I have received about 20-30 unique visitors per day. I have had 7 clicks on the advertisements in February, and all said and done, I have made $2.49 using the blog as a tool itself.

I have had no one sign up yet. I have not marketed this product like I see others doing it. The ad on the site has not produced any results at all. I am going to put the site on the three traffic exchange sites, and any others I can find worth doing. I hope this helps. I think you can see that even getting 5 people to join for only $25.00 can be a challenge. I wrote my sister a e-mail trying to get her to join. I felt real uncomfortable doing this. I think I will feel even more uncomfortable asking friends to join. This is a major road block! Even if I did get some friends and family to join, they are the kind of people that would also not be able to solicit members. My only hope is for people to join through the blog or traffic exchanges. A alternative solution I have been thinking of is giving the first 5 people to join with me, a free offer to join. I am thinking that this would cost me $125.00, but in return I would probably get 5 people that are serious about making money with this and market it better than I would. Any thoughts out there if this would work?

Frustration Level: Yellow

Determination Level: Still in the Green


Surveys Pay said...

Hi David I was like you once, well I still am like you! I try to make money online, but its hard work but keep blogging and keep doing it and you will succeed. Learn SEO and your blog will surely get traffic. Stay with it man it takes time but if you stick with it you will see results!

MY top 30 surveys that pay if you interested in earning some survey cash :D

Kris (Good Steward) said...

I agree with Darius. It takes time to get more and more traffic to your blog. Keywords are big on SEO ranking. I am still learning more on how to target certain types of traffic to my blog based on keyword phrases. I think from my keywords I use now, I am targeting many people who are already a member of Cashcrate but need some extra help getting started. I am trying to revamp things so I can target people who are interested in joining Cashcrate and earning money online.

Sorry for the rant...hehe. But I am on several traffic exchanges myself. I have Google Analytics on my blog that tracks all kinds of traffic/visitor stats everyday. I noticed that I get better results using certain traffic exchanges over others. It seems to be a trial and error process. I am going to try out dragon surf under you to see how that will work for me. Linkreferral is a pretty decent program for quality traffic as far as having some people actually read your content and leave a review.

I know about feeling uncomfortable asking friends and family to join a program underneath you. I just look at it this way, there are way more people on the internet I can target than the total number of friends and family I have. So just stick with what you are comfortable with...

Kris (Good Steward) said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention, freebies is a great way to get people's attention and possibly join your programs. Seem like everyone likes an extra bonus. It has worked for me SLOWLY but surely!