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Thursday, February 5, 2009

January's Earnings and Thoughts

Well my first month in the "make money online" community has a mix bag of emotions for me. I made money on 19 of the 40 paid survey sites I joined. Some of these sites had sign up bonuses, so that was a one time payment. I also have to take in consideration that I didn't finish the sign up process until midway through the month. I can already tell I am getting more surveys coming through this month.

My total earnings for January was a whopping $74.35.

Total hours spent working on this. Thousands! Well maybe not quite that much, but that is how it felt. I can see how someone could look at this and say it is not worth it. I actually thought to myself, I would have been better off working at McDonald's. Then I thought about it some more and came to the conclusion that if I can make just a little more a month, that would buy a lot of Christmas gifts next year. Or even better, maybe a vacation to Disney World for the kids. Yes it was worth it! I just have to look at it like this...would you like it if someone gave you $5 to brush your teeth, or $3 to make your bed, maybe $2 or $3 to do a load of laundry? Of course we all would. These are things we do in our daily routine that we never realy look at how much of our time we are taking out of our lives, we just do them. Now, filling out a survey or two is part of my daily routine, and the payoff is a vacation for my family. I can live with that.

To try to give a honest review of paid survey sites this early would not be very accurate. I do think there are legitimate ways to make money with survey sites. I think some of the dollar amounts some sites are advertising are inflated for the average person though. I would not have enough hours in a week or surveys to take, to bring in $1,000.00 a month. My plan is to let the surveys ride and find other streams of income. Cashcrate Tips, a blog I just recently looked at, gave me ideas on how to maximise some of the survey sites I belong to. I am not affiliated with him/her but I thought I should give Cashcrate Tips the credit.


Kris (Good Steward) said...
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Kris (Good Steward) said...

ow, $74.35 is NOT too shabby for your first month! Congrats! :) I can totally relate that it feels like thousands are hours are spent earning online. But you put it in great perspective about how we spend time doing chores without being paid to do so. This is so true and instead of watching tv during our spare time, for example, and not getting paid for it, we are spending that time earning money here and there, which adds up in the end.

I totally agree that MANY sites inflate (such a great use of the word in this case!) how much the average joe or jane can earn each month. While they make claims that people can earn $1000-4000 a month, my goal is to just try to earn at least $1000 this YEAR, which is much more reasonable to the newcomer in this online money making "industry".

I am HONORED that you mentioned me in your post! It would be very inappropriate for me not to express my gratitude. I sincerely hope that my blog will continue to encourage you in your online endeavors along with many others! I am definitely intrigued by your endeavor, and I hope you continue to document your journey every step of the way...even the bumps and bruises! I will definitely be back to check on your progress and encourage you the best way I can! Keep up the great work! You can do this! :)

Hehe...I am a she by the way!